On the surface, it seems like such an obvious choice. Of course more website traffic is important!
The more people who visit your website, the more sales you’ll have. People will browse, search, comment, share and even subscribe to your email newsletter when they’ll visit your website.
What’s more, if there wasn’t any website traffic, there wouldn’t be any newsletter subscribers to begin with.
Yes, that’s all true. But it’s also true the money’s in the list.
Website traffic is good for first time visitors. They visit, look around, leave a comment, may be share a link, but they never come back.
The thing is, it’s hard to get visitors to return to your website without a hook. Luckily, emails newsletters provide just that.
When people subscribe to an email newsletter, they’re giving you their permission to email them regularly. They’re telling you they want to hear from you. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
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